Traicionar a la pareja es la fantasía sexual más común
Una investigación llevada a cabo por la universidad de Vermont, Estados Unidos,señala que el 98% de hombres y el 80% de mujeres ha tenido como fantasía el tener sexo con personas que no son sus parejas.
En el caso de las mujeres, el 48% aseguró sentirse culpable de solo pensar en traicionar a sus parejas, aunque sea solo una fantasía. Otras fantasías comunes son la violación, el sexo anal, sexo con personas del mismo género, etc.
Betraying your partner is the most common sexual fantasy
Study indicates that this fantasy may be more common than laughs.
Have you ever imagined having sex with someone other than your partner? In answer yes, you may find quite common in a sector of the population.
As the web, an investigation conducted by the University of Vermont (USA) states that 98% of men and 80% of women have had as a fantasy to have sex with people who are not their partners.
For women, 48% said he felt guilty at the thought of betraying their partners, even if only a fantasy. Other common fantasies are been raped, anal sex, same-sex, etc.
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