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Desire (1980)

Información y letra de la canción Desire (1980) de Andy Gibb.
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Título: Desire (1980)
Artista: Andy Gibb
Año: 1980
Género: Pop

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Ah..... Ah....
We may be big or small or black or white , eternally 
And black and white is you and me in a special light 
We may be young or old or in between ,but this much I know
Together we can learn to grow 
In a world that's ever turning it's back on you
If you give it all away , 
make it mine ,ine , ine , ine , mine
You are desire , ev'rything you need 
I give you right or wrong 
And you are the woman that I 
base my whole existence on 
And when I get to you my 
desire is glowing in your light 

These are the golden years we get to live
we lead the way , tomorrow we can start today
in a special light
Love could be good or bad or in between 
but this much I learn
Baby , you and I can learn
In a world that's rearranging it's reality
If you give it all away 
make it mine , ine , ine , ine , mine 
You are desire , ev'rything you need 
I give you right or wrong
And you are the woman that I 
base my whole existence on 
And when I get to you my 
desire is glowing in your light

And it's nice to light a fire 
when it's cold outside 
If you give it all away 
make it mine , ine , ine , ine , mine
You are desire , ev'rything you need
I give you right or wrong
And you are the woman that I 
base my whole existence on 
And when I get to you my 
desire is glowing in your light

Las letras de Desire (1980) son propiedad de sus respectivos autores, artistas y disqueras, el contenido mostrado en este sitio es provisto con fines meramente educativos.
Si te gusta la canción por favor cómprala para apoyar a todo el equipo que ha hecho posible este material.

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