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Say It Isn't So (1985)

Información y letra de la canción Say It Isn't So (1985) de The Outfield.
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Título: Say It Isn't So (1985)
Artista: The Outfield
Álbum: Play Deep
Año: 1985

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Yeah...You got me all screwed up, so much I can't turn around 
And I've been running about with some funny girls
I'm not so tough, but if you let me down (I'll tell ya)
I'd give you just one day to explain 
I'd like to know if there's somebody else in this game 

(Say it isn't so) tell me I'm the only one 
(Say it isn't so) without you I can't go on 
(How was I to know) if you keep me guessing I don't understand 

I can't sleep at night, I keep on dreaming you're gone 
I'm staring into a space that was filled by...
You’re facing the day, a face in the crowd
I'm sure I saw you just a moment ago 
There must be something you don't want me to know 

(Say it isn't so) if you got the magic touch
(Say it isn't so) one that I need so much
(How was I to know) if you keep me guessing I don't understand 

There's something wrong, suspicion's getting stronger 
Don't know if I can stand this pain much longer 
You play around but I see right through you 

It's lonely on the streets when it's just one a.m., mmm
See a lot of pretty girls passing by 
I'm walking in the midnight sun once again, 
And now I know why love is so blind, 
‘Cos when you're out of my sight, I'm out of your mind, 

(Say it isn't so) tell me I'm the only one 
(Say it isn't so) without you I can't go on 
(How was I to know) if you keep me guessing I don't understand 
(Say it isn't so) if you got the magic touch
(Say it isn't so) one that I need so much
(Say it isn't so) tell me I’m the only one 
(Say it isn't so) without you I can’t go on
(Say it isn’t so)
(Say it isn’t so)
(Say it isn’t so) Oh oh 
(Say it isn’t so)
(Say it isn’t so) Oh oh
(Say it isn’t so)
(Say it isn’t so)

Las letras de Say It Isn't So (1985) son propiedad de sus respectivos autores, artistas y disqueras, el contenido mostrado en este sitio es provisto con fines meramente educativos.
Si te gusta la canción por favor cómprala para apoyar a todo el equipo que ha hecho posible este material.

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