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Heaven Must Be Missing An Angel (1976)

Información y letra de la canción Heaven Must Be Missing An Angel (1976) de Tavares.
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Título: Heaven Must Be Missing An Angel (1976)
Artista: Tavares
Año: 1976
Género: Disco

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Heaven must be missin' an angel
Missin' one angel child
'Cause you're here with me right now
(your love is heavenly, baby)
(heavenly to me, baby)

Your kiss filled with tenderness
I want all I can get of your sexiness
Showers, your love comes in showers
And every hour on the hour
You let me feel your loving power

There's a rainbow over my shoulder (ooh, ooh)
When you came, my cup runneth over (ooh, ooh)
You gave me your heavenly love
And if one night you hear crying from above

It's 'cause heaven must be missin' an angel
Missin, one angel child
'Cause you're here with me right now
(Your love is heavenly, baby)
(Heavenly to me, baby)

Ooooh, (heaven, heaven)
Ooooh, (heaven, heaven)
Ooooh, (heaven, heaven)
Heaven, heaven

Ooooh, I'm captured by your spell (ooh-ooh)
You're different, girl, I can tell (Ooh-ooh-ooh)
When you're layin' on my pillow, baby
Above your pretty head, there's a halo
That's why I know

Heaven, must be missin'an angel (heaven)
Missin' one angel child
'Cause you're here with me right now (mmm…ha)
(your love is heavenly, baby)
(heavenly to me, baby)
Oooh, my sweet little angel (heaven)
My pretty little angel (heaven)
I love you, love you, love you, (heaven)
Love you, baby, say right now (heaven)

Ooh, heaven (heaven)
Must be missing an angel (heaven)
Missing one angel, child (heaven
‘Cause you're here with me right now (heaven)
Oooooh, my heaven (heaven)
Missin' an angel (heaven)

You must have slipped away along the Milky Way
It's 'cause (Your kiss)
Your kiss (filled with tenderness)
You came C O D on a moonbeam straight to me
Just like (Showers, showers, showers, showers)
Showers (Showers, showers, showers)
(ooh, ooh, ooh)
(ooh, ooh, ooh)
(ooh, ooh, ooh)
(ooh, ooh, ooh)

Your heavenly power gets stronger by the hour
(Heaven, must be missin' an angel)
I'm captured by your spell
Oh, girl, can't you tell (Heaven)
Heaven (must be missin' an angel)

Oooh, oooh
Oooh, oooh
Oooh, oooh
Ooh, so-so good, so-so good, so-so good, baby, mmm

(It's just so good, so good, so good), yeah
(It's just so good, so good, so good)
I love the way you move, I love the way you groove
(It's just so good, so good, so good)
(It's just so good, so good, so good)
Just like heaven, oh, baby
(It's just so good, so good, so good)
(Heaven, yeah)

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