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Feeling Good

Información y letra de la canción Feeling Good de Michael Buble.
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Título: Feeling Good
Artista: Michael Buble
Álbum: It's Time
Año: 2005
Género: jazz

¿Te gusta esta canción? Me gusta 64 No me gusta 19

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Birds flying high,
You know how I feel.
Sun in the sky,
You know how I feel.
Breeze drifting on by,
You know how I feel.
It\'s a new dawn.
It\'s a new day.
It\'s a new life
For me,
And I\'m feeling good.

Fish in the sea,
You know how I feel.
River running free,
You know how I feel.
Blossom in the tree,
You know how I feel.
It\'s a new dawn.
It\'s a new day.
It\'s a new life
For me,
And I\'m feeling good.

Dragonfly out in the sun,
You know what I mean, don\'t you know?
Butterflies all havin\' fun,
You know what I mean.
Sleep in peace when day is done.
That\'s what I mean.
And this old world is a new world
And a bold world
For me.

Stars when you shine,
You know how I feel.
Scent of the pine,
You know how I feel.
Oh, freedom is mine.
And I know how I feel.
It\'s a new dawn.
It\'s a new day.
It\'s a new life
For me.

And I\'m feeling good.

Las letras de Feeling Good son propiedad de sus respectivos autores, artistas y disqueras, el contenido mostrado en este sitio es provisto con fines meramente educativos.
Si te gusta la canción por favor cómprala para apoyar a todo el equipo que ha hecho posible este material.

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