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Crazy For You (1985)

Información y letra de la canción Crazy For You (1985) de Madonna.
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Título: Crazy For You (1985)
Artista: Madonna
Álbum: Vison Quest Soundtrack
Año: 1985
Género: Pop

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Swaying room as the music starts
Strangers making the most of the dark
Two by two their bodies become one

I see you through the smokey air
Can't you feel the weight of my stare
You're so close but still a world away
What I'm dying to say, is that

----- CORO -----

I'm crazy for you
Touch me once and you'll know it's true
I never wanted anyone like this
It's all brand new, you'll feel it in my kiss
I'm crazy for you, crazy for you

Trying hard to control my heart
I walk over to where you are
Eye to eye we need no words at all

Slowly now we begin to move
Every breath I'm deeper into you
Soon we two are standing still in time
If you read my mind, you'll see

----- CORO -----

I'm crazy for you
Touch me once and you'll know it's true
I never wanted anyone like this
It's all brand new, you'll feel it in my kiss
You'll feel it in my kiss because
I'm crazy for you
Touch me once and you'll know it's true
I never wanted anyone like this
Its all brand new, you'll feel it in my kiss
im crazy for you,
Crazy for you
Crazy for you
Crazy for you 

its all brand new, im crazy for you
and you know its true, im crazy, crazy for you
its all brand new, im crazy for you 
and you know its true, yeah, Im crazy for you
Crazy for you baby
I'm crazy for you

Las letras de Crazy For You (1985) son propiedad de sus respectivos autores, artistas y disqueras, el contenido mostrado en este sitio es provisto con fines meramente educativos.
Si te gusta la canción por favor cómprala para apoyar a todo el equipo que ha hecho posible este material.

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