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Where You At (2011)

Información y letra de la canción Where You At (2011) de Jennifer Hudson.
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Título: Where You At (2011)
Artista: Jennifer Hudson
Álbum: I Remember Me
Año: 2011
Género: R&B

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You said when the storm came 
That you would be there with your umbrella to block the rain 
And you said you'll protect me from heartache,
pain,lies,loneliness and misery 
You said you'll tear down the walls
that were in my way and promised thing would be okay.
and I stood there in the freezing cold and I waited for you but you never showed 

Where you at [3x]
Boy you said you would there for me
Where you at [4x]

Now you said you'll would go to church stop slanging find a real job
and go to work and you said you would stay out the streets spend more time with me, take away my doubts and fears,and fulfill my dreams you said you would be the shoulder for my eyes to cry on, you said you'd be the one that i could depend on and I stood there in the freezing cold but you never showed

Where you at [3x]
Boy you said you would be there for me
Where you at [3x]

Those false promises is much like fake names
you painted a picture for me but there was no frame
You made my future look bright and I believed every word
I went to sleep in the cloud and woke up in the dirt 
And now I'm without shelter and the wind is blowing
you said you would be there for me boy when the tough got going, you said when weapons draw, you'd stand in front of me, whenever i felt trapped, said you'd be the one to set me free.
Thought you were my hero but as it turned out you were no show 

Tell me where you at
You said you would be there for me 
Where you at
and I came to see, see, see you said you would be there for me 
Where you at

Las letras de Where You At (2011) son propiedad de sus respectivos autores, artistas y disqueras, el contenido mostrado en este sitio es provisto con fines meramente educativos.
Si te gusta la canción por favor cómprala para apoyar a todo el equipo que ha hecho posible este material.

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