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Miles (2011)

Información y letra de la canción Miles (2011) de Christina Perri.
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Título: Miles (2011)
Artista: Christina Perri
Álbum: Lovestrong.
Año: 2011
Género: Pop

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I'm scared today
More than I told you I was yesterday
Give me a moment to catch my breath
And hold me every second left

Proud of me
That's the only way I want you to be
Look at me and love
What you see

I won't make it alone
I need something to hold

Kiss me on my shoulder
Tell me it's not over
I promised to always come home to you
Remind me that I'm older
To be brave smart, sweet and bolder
And don't give up on what we're trying to do

Don't count the miles,
Count the "I love you"'s

We made it out
And all the other people are asking how
This doesn't even sound like truth
To grow from a group

But one day we will realise
How hard it was, how hard we tried
And how our hearts made it out alive
Kiss me on my shoulder
Tell me it's not over
I promised to always come home to you
Remind me that I'm older
To be brave smart, sweet and bolder
And don't give up on what we're trying to do

Don't count the miles,
Count the "I love you"'s

And these are words
I wish you said
But that's not how it went
'Cause you gave up on us in the end

And I won't make it alone
I need something to hold

Kiss me on my shoulder
Tell me it's not over
I promised to always come home to you
Remind me that I'm older
To be brave smart, sweet and bolder
And don't give up on what we're trying to do

Kiss me on my shoulder
Tell me it's not over
I promised I'd come home to you
Remind me that I'm older
To be brave smart, sweet and bolder
And don't give up on what we're trying to do

Don't count the miles,
Count the "I love you"'s

Las letras de Miles (2011) son propiedad de sus respectivos autores, artistas y disqueras, el contenido mostrado en este sitio es provisto con fines meramente educativos.
Si te gusta la canción por favor cómprala para apoyar a todo el equipo que ha hecho posible este material.

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