Every night in my dreams
I see you. I feel you.
That is how I know you go on.
Far across the distance
And spaces between us
You have come to show you go on.
=-----= CORO =-----=
Near, far, wherever you are
I believe that the heart does go on
Once more you open the door
And you're here in my heart, and
My heart will go on and on.
Love can touch us one time
And last for a lifetime
And never let go till we're gone.
Love was when I loved you
One true time I hold you.
In my life we'll always go on
=-----= CORO =-----=
Near, far, wherever you are
I believe that the heart does go on
Once more you open the door
And you're here in my heart, and
My heart will go on and on.
You're here there's nothing I fear,
And I know that my heart will go on
We'll stay forever this way
You are safe in my heart, and
My heart will go on and on...mmmmm
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